(obviously you can’t read with your eyes closed so read through this a few times before softening your gaze or closing your eyes)
Pause. Slowly place your hand on your heart. Notice. Listen. Soften your gaze. Focus within.
What do you feel? Can you feel warmth in your heart? Can you feel the beating of it?
Notice how it feels to feel your heart beating in your chest. Your heart is working. It is supporting you.
Send warmth and love to yourself. Repeat, I am all I need. I am worthy. I was born worthy.
Open your eyes. Breathe in and expand your chest and tummy.
Feel the breath move through you. Feel the the breath move out of you.
Rinse and Repeat.
(Feel free to replace your heart with your hand or your tummy…whatever part of you is needing support and love in this moment)
photo credit: Unsplace/Roman Craft @romancraft