I go to therapy. Every other week I sit in my therapists’s chair revisiting my most recent struggles, challenging myself in really difficult ways, and experiencing shame through tears, anger, and not always telling the whole truth because…what if she judges me, right? I have those thoughts about my therapist, too!
I go to therapy just like you and likely experience the exact same feelings you do when you are in my therapy room. “Oh my goodness she will certainly never see me the same again.” “I bet she has never done this before?” “I can’t believe I am about to say this out loud.” “She will not believe me.” “How can I tell her that I messed up…again.” I have those same thoughts almost every time I am in my own session.
I go to therapy for the following reasons:
1) I, too, have dealt with overwhelming life events that have left me questioning life and how I will pull through.
2) Because…self care.
3) I love the phrase “Do as I say, not as I do.” If I am asking you to work hard in therapy, be vulnerable with me, complete homework to challenge new ways of living, having hard conversations, etc. then I am going to do it, too. If I am not modeling self care and ensuring that I am my best for you then how on earth can I challenge to you do hard things?
4) I am human. Yep, just because I have fancy letters behind my name and can sit quietly with you and offer guidance in your journey does not mean that I am in an ivory tower and my life is perfect. Far from it.
Going to therapy not only serves me personally, but it constantly reminds me of the way that my clients show up with me each week and how hard and exhausting it is. So, thanks for coming to therapy because I really do know how hard it is to get here sometimes.